Saturday, March 9, 2013

In the Midday Dusk - first draft

Dark days teach us to love the light. I have learnt that with light inside, no days are dark.

In the midday dusk of snow curtained skylight,
I remember the morning sun
leaking her blood onto my breast;
droplets gliding slow over the lip
of torn skin,
filling the exposed cave of my chest.

This luminous pool of magma
smolders still
charging my bliss,
linking me to the universal mix.
My gold drips into the golden ocean
and I am filled of You.


  1. Stumbled upon your blog while looking for Garden of Leaflessness - which cropped up while watching Certified Copy, of course. Glad I did. Keep writing.

    1. Thank you Mini. Your encouragement means so much to me, and came at a time I really need it. xo
